
7 Ways to Make Water Taste Better

Simple tips for livening up your drinking water
 By Jen Laskey 


 Not everybody has a taste for water, but we all need it to ensure that our bodies continue functioning properly. If you want to drink more water, but aren't crazy about the taste (or lack thereof), here are some tips that can make it more enjoyable:

1. Add fresh fruit. Citrus fruits, such as lemons, limes, and oranges, are classic water enhancers, but other fruit flavors might also tempt your taste buds. Try crushing fresh raspberries or watermelon into your water, or adding strawberry slices. Cucumber and fresh mint are refreshing flavors as well — especially in summer.

2. Use juice. Any fruit juice can be a good base flavor for water, but tart juices, like cranberry, pomegranate, grape, and apple, are especially delicious. Go for juices that are all natural, with no added sugars. And remember: Fruits and their juices don't just taste good — they contain vitamins and antioxidants that can benefit your health too.

About Everyday Health's Contributing Writers and Editors

Meet the writers and editors who contribute stories, slideshows, and other content to Everyday Health.

Jennifer Acosta Scott:
Jennifer Acosta Scott is a writer for Healthday. She resides in the Dallas-Fort Worth area with her husband, Mark, and two sons, Patrick and Hayden. A native of the Mobile, Ala. area, she attended the University of Alabama's College of Communications and Information Sciences in Tuscaloosa, graduating with a major in journalism and a minor in history. Her career began in newspapers, and she has previously worked as a news reporter for the Tuscaloosa News, the Phenix (Ala.) Citizen and the Weatherford (TX) Democrat, covering health, environment and local government. Acosta Scott's work has also been published in outlets like Health, Bankrate, Society Life, The Dallas Morning News and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. She is also the publisher of a popular Dallas-Fort Worth area blog, Fort Worth on the Cheap, and a running blog, Little Blue Sneakers. 


More than a stretch: Yoga’s benefits may extend to the heart

Posted April 15, 2015, 4:26 pm
Julie Corliss, Executive Editor, Harvard Heart Letter   
Yoga's benefits may extend to the heart   

As a long-time yoga enthusiast, I’m always happy to hear about benefits newly attributed to this
ancient practice. Doing yoga for a few hours each week helps me feel calmer and more balanced,
both physically and mentally. Now, new research suggests that my habit also may be helping my heart.
A recent review of yoga and cardiovascular disease published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology indicates that yoga may help lower heart disease risk as much as conventional exercise, such as brisk walking.

As I write in the April issue of the Harvard Heart Letter, the studies in the review looked at different types of yoga, including both gentler and more energetic forms. The participants ranged

Feeling young at heart may help you live longer

Posted December 17, 2014, 2:54 pm Updated October 29, 2015, 8:24 pm
Heidi Godman, Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter   
Senior Couple Relaxing In Autumn Landscape   

I just celebrated a birthday, and not the kind women like to crow about. Let’s just say I’m mid-century modern. But I feel as young and as vibrant as ever. I have energy, a zest for life, and a real sense of purpose. And it turns out that this youthful feeling may pay off big-time. A research letter in this week’s JAMA Internal Medicine found that older people who felt three or more years younger than their actual (chronological) age had a lower death rate compared with those who felt their age or those who felt more than one year older than their actual age.

You’re as young as you feel
Two researchers at University College London looked at the responses of about 6,500 men and women who answered the question, “How old do you feel you are?”


9 Types of Condoms You Should Know About

    Photo: Getty Images

The condom section at your local drugstore can be overwhelming (understatement of the year, we know). With so many colors, sizes, and shapes, where do you even begin?! The good news is, when it comes down to it, you can’t really go wrong. “The best condom on the market is one that you use,”

says Lauren Streicher, MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University, and author of Sex Rx: Hormones, Health and Your Best Sex Ever ($14; amazon.com). She stresses any time there’s skin-to-skin contact during sex (oral, genital, anal, etc.), you should use a condom to prevent STDs. And of course, when used correctly, they protect against pregnancy 98% of the time. But when the time comes to select your type of rubber, don’t stress too much—it’s all about preference. Here’s the lowdown on the nine types of condoms you’ll find on store shelves.

Source : http://news.health.com

Fiber-rich diet may reduce colon cancer risk

Photo Credit: Didriks

Original Author: Sandeep Godiyal

The numbers, quite frankly, are grim: Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in America and the fourth leading cause of cancer death globally. And even if the colon cancer is not fatal, it can lead to radiation or chemotherapy as well as surgical removal of the colon and

the placement of a colostomy bag, which can seriously impact the quality of life for these cancer survivors. That is why so much research in recent years has gone into discovering ways that this cancer can be prevented in the first place. It has long been suspected that a typical American diet – with its reliance on meat and starches – can raise the risk of colon cancer development. And this new study illustrates clearly how important the link between diet and this disease really is.

Intriguing new research

This elegantly done study was a collaborative effort between researchers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and those in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. The researchers chose 20 African-American men and women in Pittsburgh and 20 men and women of African descent living in KwaZulu-Natal to participate in this study that looked at the link between diet


6 Things You Should Know About Having Sex During Your Period

    Photo: Getty Images

Fans of 50 Shades of Grey will remember the much talked-about tampon scene—and while that particular romp won’t be playing out on the big screen, it’s still been making headlines as buzz about the upcoming movie reaches a fever pitch. And it may make people wonder: Should I be having sex on my period? Is it safe? Will I like it? (And will my partner?)

We talked with Tara Ford, a physician assistant at the Medical Center for Female Sexuality in Purchase, New York, to get those answers and more.

Here’s what you should know about having sex during menstruation—the good, the bad, and the slightly messy.
Doctors say go for it

“If the patient is comfortable with it, then it’s great to continue having sex throughout the month and not have to take a break,” says Ford. “It’s perfectly natural and safe for both partners.”

4 Spa Treatments That Might Be Dangerous

   Photo: Getty Images

A day at the spa should leave you feeling healthy, relaxed, and rejuvenated. But some beauty or (so-called) wellness treatments probably aren’t worth your money—and some could even be harmful. Medi-spas made headlines in October for an extreme case after a Nevada woman died in a cryotherapy chamber, but the reality is there are other potential dangers lurking in this largely unregulated industry.

“There are a lot of mistruths and strange beliefs out there about what’s good for you when you go to a spa,” says Leena Nathan, MD, a physician in the UCLA Health system. “It’s important to remember that just because a service is offered, that doesn’t mean it’s safe or effective.” Before you pamper yourself this holiday season, read up on these treatments you may be better off without.
Skip it: Cryotherapy

The act of exposing parts of the body to freezing temperatures can actually be safe and beneficial, Dr. Nathan says; it’s used to remove warts and destroy cancer cells, and some athletes even say it improves muscle recovery.


Home Remedies For Peeling Skin

The peeling skin problem is seen in those who are having dry skin. This makes one think about the ways to keep the skin healthy and normal. Skin being too oily or too dry will cause many problems. Choosing the medication which is available in the market might not be choice for these things as they can be easily treated at home. Some of the home remedies will give the expected result easily.
Home Remedies For Peeling Skin
1. Olive Oil:
Naturally olive oil is used for cooking purposes at home. But apart from being in the kitchen, it can also be used for treating peeling skin.

    Applying olive oil to the peeled skin will help it to moisturize.
    Combination of lemon juice, rose water, olive oil, and egg yolk can be mixed together to make a paste and apply either as a face pack to avoid peeling skin on the face or in any part of the body.

Health Benefits of Papaya Fruit

Starting from hair to toes in feet can get healthy by eating papaya which is known to supply power to entire body, there are not many who are not willing to fall in love with papayas once they get to know various advantages it offers for the body.

Each and every organ in our body can gain benefits from this fruit which is known to be sweeter in taste and softer than ever butter initially this fruit was only available only in tropical regions of Central America. However later this tree which is often termed as Tree of Life and worshipped for this aspect by Mayans has been introduced to various parts of the world, owing to its health benefits Christopher Columbus has given it the name of being fruit of angels.


How to treat Sour Stomach

I was really excited to go the get-together party where I would meet my good old friends!

Friends, fun and food …the three indulging things of that afternoon.

Friends came, we chatted, had fun, went down the memory lane … and so many things were there to make me happy. I was overwhelmed with joy and happiness.

When I remember that Sunday, the first thing that comes to my mind is the yummy food, but along with that comes the horrible experience.

The afternoon was quiet enjoyable but as the time passed I started feeling uneasy. I felt as if my belly had bloated unnaturally and I was belching from time to time. I just could not sit there.

Amazing Benefits Of Papaya For Skin And Hair

Papaya is the only fruit that is available all through the year. It is pear-shaped luscious and sweet fruit; the consistency of the pulp will be like soft butter. Usually it will be around 1 pound in weight and 7 inches long. The flesh inside the papaya will be in orange colour with slight shades of yellow or pink.
Not only the Papaya fruit but other parts of it are also very good for skin, hair and health. It contains an enzyme called ‘Papain’ that helps you in digesting proteins easily. It is used as a main ingredient in chewing gums and also used to make dietary supplements. Papaya is a wholesome fruit that offers many benefits for your skin.

Papayas are actually found in Central America.  The fruit was bought to many sub tropical regions by Portugal and Spain explorers, later on it travelled to places including India, Philippines and some parts of Africa.


8 Simple Detox Lemon Water Recipes for Weight Loss

Who doesn’t want that shapely body, where every part of the body is perfect, starting from the hands and legs to your skin? But the most important thing here is to get a healthy body, which will ultimately help you to get and maintain a healthy body shape. And in this process to make yourself healthy as well as getting a perfect figure, one thing will definitely help you and that is detoxifying your body, commonly known as detox.

Every day we get exposed to toxins through food, drinks and air and when the toxins get deposited in our body over a period of time, it badly affects our body.  Detox is the physiological process of the body, which is carried out by the liver. It cleanses the body and keeps it healthy by removing the toxins from it. It also makes the body perform more efficiently. This cleansing process speeds up the metabolism, thus burns more calories. And burning more calories helps to lose weight to a great extent.
Detox Lemon Water Recipes for Weight Loss

Water works as a natural detox, but when you combine it with lemon, it works wonders to lose weight. Lemon is a good diuretic, which will help you get rid of water weight. The high content of Vitamin C in it also helps to lose weight. The consumption of Vitamin C breaks down the fat that is stored in the body, the main cause of weight gain.

How to Get Rid of White Spots on Teeth

A beautiful smile adds to the beauty of a person. And a pair of pearly white teeth without any spots is what makes your smile beautiful and attractive. But if you develop white spots on your teeth or have white spots on teeth due some reason or the other, it totally mars your look as well as your personality.
What are White Spots on Teeth?

Actually white spots on the teeth is not a major concern and can be treated, but the important thing here is that it makes your smile unattractive as well as affect your self-confidence while talking to people or while smiling in public. It makes you conscious most of the times.

People generally get white spots on teeth due to loss of mineral on the enamel of the teeth. As per medical terms, this condition of teeth is known as hypocalcification.

The white spots on teeth also lead to tooth decay or the deterioration of the teeth. In fact, white spots on teeth are the first sign that indicates that your teeth have started decaying.


How to Get Rid of Back Fat Easily and Quickly at Home

Fat on the body is bad news. It doesn’t just look bad, but these excess pounds bring poor health with it too. It is by now an established fact that obesity can cause a lot of medical conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, stroke and several others. Several studies and research works have proved this beyond doubt. Obesity can kill self-confidence and bring down morale too, which again can have a long-term negative impact on the mind and the body.

15 Effective Tips To Get Rid Of Black Knees And Elbow

The buildup of thick and dead skin formed by the friction or pressure in elbows or knees or in ankles causes the skin to turn black. Leaning onto the table using the elbows or kneeling down while you offer prayers can make the skin look dark. It is really embarrassing for women to wear short skirts or sleeveless dresses with black knees and elbows. Black knees and elbows can happen to any person regardless of the color of their skin. Getting too much sun and not exfoliating your skin add to the darkening of the skin. You can easily get rid of these dark knees and elbows using various home remedies. The home remedies should be based on exfoliation and bleaching of the skin.
Here are the Top 15 home remedies to get rid of Black Knees and Elbow:
1.Baking Soda

Baking soda is very effective in cleaning the skin and reduces darkening of the skin. Milk bleaches and cleanses the skin


Effective Home Remedies For Dark Ankle

In some people the skin around the ankle may appear black or brown this is known as dark ankle. There are many reasons for the development of dark skin around the ankle. The skin will be dry and thick near the ankle for some people due to constant friction with the boots or rough clothes. It commonly occurs in children and in older people.

The Causes And Symptoms For Dark Ankles
The skin at the ankle is very thin and it may discolor due to various reasons. Staining of wet clothes, wearing boots or any medical conditions can cause dark ankle.  The most important medical causes include venous stasis, sprains and bruises and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. When the veins lack the ability to carry blood back up the legs venous stasis occurs.

Home Remedies To Treat Obesity Naturally

What Is Obesity?

Obesity is the condition in which a person is overweight and has a high degree of body fat. Obesity is measured by the Body Mass Index of a person (BMI). BMI is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms with your height in meters squared.  A person with BMI 25-29 is considered as overweight and the person with a BMI between 30 and 40 are considered as obese. Obesity can lead to various life threatening diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, some varieties of cancer, stroke etc. obesity can occur in people of all ages. Consumption of more calories and sedentary lifestyle are the major cause for obesity. It is possible to control obesity or get rid of obesity using various home remedies and lifestyle changes.


Miracle Drink – Apple, Beetroot & Carrot Juice

Juice prepared from apple, beetroot and carrot has gained the name of being miracle drink due to the innumerable advantages which can be benefited from both brain and body. The name this drink has acquired is all due to the several advantages, this was discovered by Chinese Herbalists who have found this to be helpful in treatment of lung cancer and several other diseases.

The magical benefits this drink gives has helped this drink in becoming popular throughout the nation for which there is a need only to get apples, carrots and beetroots

Honey for Acne

Acne has caused sleepless nights and terrible feelings during the day for far too long. Modern science has come up with amazing treatments for a lot or medical conditions. But nothing seems to work for acne. It simply won’t go away. Acne is known to be very stubborn. The more you try to get rid of it, the more it seems to come back. A lot of things have been tried to get rid of acne. Sadly most of them have failed. But here’s some good news that should make all of us happy. Finally, there’s one treatment, a home remedy, which seems to be working very well. Honey for acne is showing extremely promising results.

How To Get Rid Of Blackheads Fast?

Blackheads are a very common and annoying problem for both men and women. It occurs when the skin pores get clogged due to the excess secretion of sebum and also due to dry dead skin. This oil is made by the sebaceous glands to make your skin supple. Women tend to be really upset by the sight of blackheads on their nose than men. Nowadays, we see both sexes looking for various methods to get rid of the blackheads on nose.

Blackheads are not caused


The Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is the inflamed skin found in the diaper area in infants and in young children. Diaper rash is the result of skin irritation caused by prolonged contact with urine or feces or both. The diapers trap urine or feces and cause the irritation of the skin leading to bacterial or fungal infection. The hot and moist environment in the diaper promotes the growth of bacteria and fungus. Diaper rashes are also seen in people with incontinence and paralysis

Causes Of Diaper Rash

Some of the important causes of diaper rash in infants and children are

Simple Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Oily Skin

There are different kinds of skin textures that people have. Some people are blessed to have normal skin which has a balanced oil and dry combination while other skin types are oily, dry and combination skin. Every type of skin has its characteristic feature. While dry skin ends up looking dull and cracked and needs moisturizing when it is cold and dry, the oily skin needs to be looked after as it is prone to develop acne and become ugly. Among all the skin types, those who have oily skin suffer the most during their puberty and even in later years, this kind of skin is sure to trap dirt due to the oil content and leads to the formation of whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and so forth.

Causes Of Oily Skin

Oily skin is usually the genetic makeup of a person for which the sebum cells which secrete oily under the outer skin layer secrete excess oil to moisturize the skin above.


How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast

Acne is a very common problem that is seen in people of all age groups. But, it would be seen prominently in teenagers as there is increased production of hormones in their bodies during their puberty stage. Acne usually sets of as blackheads that are formed when oil, dirt along with dead skin cells gets stuck in the pores of your skin. This blackhead will tend to inflame after some time and turn reddish leading to the acne outbreak. There are no definitive cures for acne but a lot of simple and natural cares will help in reducing acne problems.

How to Remove Facial Scars

Acne is a common skin disorder that can be quite annoying. Acne can be treated with proper medication and skincare. However, acne leaves behind marks and scars that can ruin the beauty of your skin. You cannot remove these scars with the usual skin creams available in the market. Some people opt for laser scar removal in order to get rid of these scars. Fortunately, there are certain natural remedies that can help you to get rid of acne scars without any side effects.


How to Maintain Good Eye Health

  • 1. Eat for Good Vision
  • 2. Quit Smoking
  • 3. Wear Sunglasses
  • 4. Use Safety Eyewear
  • 5. Look Away From the Computer Screen
  • 6. Visit Your Eye Doctor Regularly
Don't take your eyes for granted. Protect your sight with these six tips:

1. Eat for Good Vision

Protecting your eyes starts with the food on your plate. Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins C and E might help ward off age-related vision problems such as macular degeneration and cataracts, studies show. Regularly eating these foods can help lead to good eye health:
  • Green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collards
  • Salmon, tuna, and other oily fish
  • Eggs, nuts, beans, and other non-meat protein sources
  • Oranges and other citrus fruits or juices
Eating a well-balanced diet also helps you maintain a healthy weight, which makes you less likely to get obesity-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in adults.

11 Natural Remedies for Dandruff

You might have great hair and great looks, but you wouldn’t stand a chance with your close friends if you carry dandruff on your hair. It is hard to hide the fact that you have dandruff and it can be quite embarrassing. Sometimes you wouldn’t even realize the fact that others are observing your hair and the traces of dandruff that makes you scratch your scalp every now and then.
Nevertheless, I agree that dandruff is a common disorder and around 50% of the population keeps getting dandruff. The reason is simple. There are several causes that can bring dandruff. Understanding these causes is essential if you wish to get rid of dandruff for good.

Causes Of Dandruff

1. Lack Of Proper Hair Care

Proper hair care should be an essential part of your routine if you wish to stay away from dandruff.
  • Irregular and improper hair brushing can gradually lead to dandruff. It is a common cause that causes dandruff and other hair problems.

Home Remedies For Treating Liver Disease

What Is Liver Disease?

Any disturbances in liver function that can lead to an illness of a person is known as liver disease. The liver is the organ responsible for a number of critical functions in the body. When they get injured or diseased it will affect the proper functioning of the body. Liver disease is otherwise known as hepatic disease. The liver plays an important role in the metabolism of sugar, fat and iron. It produces bile which helps in fat digestion. It is also involved in protein production and the production of blood clotting factors. Symptoms of liver diseases include fatigue, weakness, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, yellow discoloration of the skin known as Jaundice etc. It requires more than 75% of the liver tissues to be damaged to affect the function of the liver. The liver can easily regenerate the damaged cells but if more and 75% of the cells are

An Amazing Drink That Melts Fat In Just 4 Days

The fat accumulation is a common issue nowadays and many people are suffering from it. You might have got a lot of suggestion about how to reduce the fat in minimum days and in effortless manner like exercise, balance diet as well as workouts. What if we provide you an amazing drink which will melt your fat in only 4 days? Surprised!


14 Amazing Herbs & Drinks For Kidney Cleansing

There is an enormous change in our lifestyle which has improved ways of comfort and decreases quality of life. All of us gained many facilities at the cost of environment. One of the most adverse impact of pollution is increasing toxin level in the food that we consume.
The pair of kidney which we played an important role of detoxification of the body along with water regulation and the release of certain hormones. In short, we can say the kidneys make sure that we live healthy by removing the toxin from our body. It is very crucial to keep the kidneys cleaned regularly in order ensure the detoxification process goes on.
You can achieve a full health maintenance by keeping in check the health of the kidneys.  Thus, in order to keep your kidneys healthy here we have brought for you some great ways

principal way that one can help themselves is to give up on smoking

If you have the bad habit of smoking, the principal way that one can help themselves is to give up on smoking. Continuing to smoke and seeing other ways to reduce the risks of lung cancer is a half hearted approach. Smoking is known to harm not only the lungs but can also cause other associated problems. By increasing the levels of toxin in the blood stream, you compromise your immune system greatly. All kinds of ailments take on a graver appearance when one continues to smoke. The following steps can be taken to reduce the risks of lunch cancer in smokers.

Do Not Smoke

  • Do Not Take Up The Habit – The main step towards reducing the risk of developing lung cancer is to stop smoking. Tobacco use is attributed as the major cause of lung cancer


How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Yeast Infection Cure

Yeast infection or candidiasis is a common problem faced by people who live in hot and humid conditions. Yeast infections usually occur in the intestinal tract, in the mouth or in the vagina. Yeast infection in the vagina is known as “vaginitis” and it causes itchiness, redness of the exterior of the vagina and the inner thigh area, vaginal irritation and yellowish or white vaginal discharge. More than 75% of women are affected by yeast infection at some point in their life. Many women try over the counter medicines and topical creams to treat the problem, however, there are many natural remedies which will easily cure and prevent yeast infections.

Top Herbal Remedies For Fertility Problems

The use of herbal remedies for fertility has been in use for many ages and these remedies are not just an effective way to get rid of fertility problems but are also considered to be a safe one. There are many herbs that can be used to stimulate ovulation in females and will help in normalizing the hormone system in females. Using some of the best herbs will help in reducing the chances of infertility in women to a great extent. The best part is that both men as well as women can use the herbal remedies to reduce their infertility problems.

Top Herbal Remedies For Fertility Problems

The following are the few top herbal remedies that you can try out to help boost fertility in women.


Quick Tips For Longer & Healthier Life

There are many stories that go round about ninety nine year old aunts who have never exercised, smoked their life away and have lived on a diet of everything that they fancy, from ice cream to red meat. Such instances might urge people to lead a life of unhealthy choices. However, it is to be kept in mind that, for one person who has lived a long life even after making unhealthy choices, there are countless others who have passed away prematurely due to such bad choices in life. There can be no alternative to choosing the right path for leading a long and healthy life.

Maintaining Better Health Through The Right Food

There is no alternative to following a healthy diet in order to lead a longer and healthier life. If you have a long life full of ailments, there is not much fun in leading such a life.

Amazing Benefits Of Black Tea

One of the widely consumed tea is black tea. Such a tea is obtained from the leaves of the shrub known as Camellia sinesis and it is more oxidized than the green, white and the oolong tea varieties. It has a stronger flavor than other varieties of tea.
Black tea is produced by methods that are different from other tea varieties. They are first plucked and then set out to be withered in order to remove the moisture from them. After they have lost out maximum moisture content, the leaves are rolled manually or with the help of machines. This is done by

Why You Should Drink Lemon Water In The Morning

Lemon is a yellow fruit whose pulp, juice, peel and even its zest can be exclusively used in food further the sour taste of lemon is due to the presence of 5 % to 6% of citric acid in lemon juice. This distinctive taste of lemon juice also makes it one of the important ingredients either when it is used in drinks or even food like cocktails, lemonade and soft drinks.

Lemon juice also can be made into a preservative for certain foods which oxidize and turn brown after they are sliced like apples, bananas and avocados, it is the presence of acids which denatures the enzymes which result in browning and degradation of foods.

How To Lose 8 Kgs Weight In 7 Days

Are you looking for the fastest way to lose weight? Are you having a big party in a couple of weeks time and are looking to get into skinny clothes that fit your properly? Are you going out on a date in a couple of week’s time? Whatever be the reason that you are trying to lose weight, you have come to the correct page that will provide you with the ideal tips that will help you to easily lose weight in a week’s time.
It is important for you to find the right kind of weight reduction method to get back into shape and never fall prey to diet pills and weight loss supplement advertisements that you come across on television channels and the internet. If you are able to combine a proper and healthy diet with an exercise regime, then this could be your passport to the fastest way to lose weight and that too naturally. The first and foremost thing that you should remember is that you should not skip meals or eat at irregular times in any weight loss plan. If you ever thought that skipping a meal or two an eating a hearty meal only once a day is never going to help in reducing your weight. Also, make sure that you set realistic weight loss target goals before beginning a weight loss program and try to achieve the set target. Always bear in mind that you can only stretch your body to a certain limit with rigorous exercise routines and a well balanced and healthy diet plan.

One of the most popular and commonly followed diet plans of many weight loss enthusiasts is the


18 Effective Home Remedies To Fight Hair Loss

Most of the people lose 50-100 strands of hair every day. When hair is washed, people can lose up to 250 strands of hair. When you lose more hair from the scalp or from other parts of the body, you will be having hair loss. Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss. The hair grows about half an inch per month. About 90 % of a person’s hair will be in the growth phase at any given time. Another 10 % will be in the dormant stage and after 2-3 months these dormant hairs falls out.


• If you see large amount of hair on your pillow when you wake up in the morning you will be suffering from hair fall
• If you find more than normal hair left in the comb when you comb your hair, then you will be having hair loss problem.

15 Effective Beauty Tips for Fair Skin

“Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder.”- Plato
Beauty—this word itself brings smiles on faces of many people. There wouldn’t be any human on this planet who wish not to be beauty.  Although there are many sayings that beauty has more to do with inner self and it lies in eyes of beholder, not to forget that it’s often associated with fairness. And if you  are in search of this beauty (for fair skin), then your search ends here.

What is fair skin?

When someone’s skin complexion is pretty, white and when you can see the veins in his/her body, it is said that the person’s skin is fair. Generally there are many reasons for fairness of skin. Although it could be genetical, one can also become fairer by taking simple home remedies.

How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair Naturally

Hair on our body is a normal condition but excessive hair is seen as an obstacle toward looking flawless and beautiful. Body hair is known to have vital functions. It helps to protect the skin from the dust particles. It acts as a protective layer over the fine and delicate skin cells and to preserve the body heat. However, it is seen as unsightly when the hair is in excess. Thus, nowadays men and women are obsessed about removing body hair in order to flaunt their skin and complexion. It is seen that excess body hair makes one appear dark. As fairness is seen as a mark of beauty and good grooming, everyone wishes to get rid of excess body and facial hair removal.

Causes Of Excess Body Hair

It is common to have body hair. Some people have more hair growth on their body than others. However, there are certain hormonal conditions that bring on excess hair growth:

Home Remedies That Will Help In Getting Rid Of Erectile Dysfunction

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is the condition in which a man is unable to maintain an erection of the penis that is sufficient for sexual intercourse. It is also known as impotence.  In some people erectile dysfunction occurs only in certain situations. A person may be able to get an erection while masturbating but fails to get an erection when he is with the sexual partner.  There are many reasons for this condition. It includes narrowing of the blood vessels to the penis, changes in hormones, anxiety, depression, relationship problem or any injury. According to the cause of the erectile dysfunction different remedies are available.
The erectile dysfunction caused


How to Get rid of Dark Lips Naturally?

Dark lips are a common problem that affects lots of people. Women are more conscious about their complexion and facial features. Hence, they tend to try a wide range of cosmetics on their lips to make them look brighter and beautiful. However, most of the products offer temporary results and long-lasting side effects. Cosmetics like lipsticks and lip glosses make the lips dry and darker. The best way to reverse such side effects is to try some home remedies for dark lips. In this review we will be discussing about some of the best herbal remedies for dark lips.

How to Get Rid of Dark Lips?

1.    Honey And Lemon

Make a mixture of honey and lemon juice and store it in your refrigerator. Apply this mixture to your lips and let it stay for an hour.


Navigating the sunscreen aisle can be confusing. For clarity, Health Canada has created labelling standards for sunscreens sold in our country. Here's your guide to the new standards

Now, before any products hit store shelves, they must include specific labelling information about SPF and more. Here are the highlights:

#1 The ground rules

All sunscreen products must state the following:
• Apply liberally/generously (and evenly) 15 minutes before sun exposure.
• Reapply at least every two hours.
• For use on children less than six months of age, consult a healthcare practitioner.

#2 Labelling

All sunscreen products must say they help prevent sunburn and list the amount of sun protection factor (SPF).  Products containing combination of UVA and UVB ingredients may say “broad spectrum” on their labels, but a UVA symbol is not required.

#3 Minimum protection

A sunscreen with broad-spectrum coverage with SPF 15 or higher can


3 best foods to boost your sex drive


This juicy red fruit could be the new sexual star. While watermelon is 92 percent water, the remaining eight percent contains the phytonutrient citrulline, which converts to arginine, an amino acid that relaxes blood vessels, according to 2008 research from Texas A&M University’s department of horticultural sciences. Although not as organ-specific as drugs that treat men’s erectile dysfunction, watermelon may help improve blood flow to erectile tissue (present in the female clit¬oral area as well as the male penis), increasing arousal. Scientists at the university’s Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center are now working on increasing the fruit’s citrulline content.

How to make vacation sex last

Q: Our summer holidays were great; my husband and I camped, played golf and had lots of sex. Now that we are once again in the daily grind of work responsibilities, I’m afraid we will return to our habit of making love only every couple of weeks. How can we stay connected?

It sounds like you experienced the vacation fling phenomenon: couples needing to get away in order to get it on. The ingredients are simple. Take away work demands, interrupt daily routines, create time and space, and have fun exploring new things. Mix these all together and, voilĂ , you get two relaxed, happy people who want to play. And making love should be play, not work.

But now it’s back to the workweek and all the hustle and bustle that comes with living in the “real” world. Many couples store their summer sex life alongside their tent, fishing poles and golf clubs, where lovin’ takes a back seat until the next road trip. Don’t let that happen. You need a new fall hobby, one that doesn’t involve hiking boots or scrapbooks. And that hobby is your love life.

Think about it. What are the features of a hobby? Well, it’s something we prioritize, study

Are your sexual fantasies healthy?

Welcome to the world of sexual fantasy. Yes, it is normal to fantasize; almost all women do. If descriptions of “kinky fun” and domination (where you obey your lover’s commands) turned women off,  Fifty Shades wouldn’t be the international bestseller that it is.(And if it was a book club that got you reading this particular novel, your partner will likely be thrilled that you joined it.) So relax, you’re not weird. Fantasizing can enhance sexual arousal and orgasm whether you are alone or with your partner. And it doesn’t mean you are unhappy with your actual sex life—it is simply another healthy aspect of the spectrum of sexual pleasure.

So what do most women fantasize about? Well…having sex! With one person or two, with strangers or people they know, in different positions (hello, Kama Sutra) or in different locations (hello, sex on


Spa treatments don’t have to take a bite out of your budget. Try these simple at-home spa ideas and products for fresh skin and a clear mind

At-home spa secrets

If a weekend away at the spa is a little bit out of your budget this month, why not bring the spa to you? We’ve rounded up some cool DIY treatments and recipes, as well as the latest spa-inspired beauty products.

DIY Orange Body Scrub

This DIY body scrub recipe was created by Stillwater Spa Toronto and is inspired by one of the

1 cup raw sugar
¼ cup organic honey
¼ cup fresh squeezed Sunkist® Navel orange juice
Finish with an orange scented lotion

1. The first step is to choose the sugar you think best suits your skin type. Raw sugar is best for all skin types but especially for more sensitive skin. If your skin is very dry and can handle a more aggressive scrub you can substitute demerara sugar.


Is it normal not to orgasm from intercourse?

Q. I rarely have an orgasm during intercourse, though I can have one on my own. My husband wants us to have mutual orgasms and I feel like I am letting him down. Am I normal?
A. In a word, yes. Research indicates that up to 80 percent of women cannot reach orgasm through intercourse (or do so only occasionally). That means fewer than a quarter of women climax through thrusting alone—no matter how big his penis is, no matter how long he lasts, and no matter how you feel about him. The clitoris, not the vagina, is the female sex organ; that is where the majority of nerve endings that lead to orgasm are found. When you touch yourself, you know how hard or soft, and how slow or fast, to do it to reach orgasm. In most sexual positions, however, the penis doesn’t provide enough direct or indirect stimulation on the clitoris to lead to orgasm.

Does that mean a woman cannot be turned on by intercourse alone? Of course not. You may love making love and find it very pleasurable.

Relationship advice: Why does my husband only touch me when he wants sex?

Question: My husband seems to touch me only when he wants sex. I’d love to cuddle more, but how can I make him understand that when I hug him it doesn’t mean I want to run to the bedroom and have sex?
My first question is, how often do you have sex? If getting naked is as rare as a sighting of Ogopogo, your sweetie has just cause for hoping that touchy equals feely. Couples often bring this issue to my therapy couch, and the man points out that touch feels good–and infrequent sex can mean that a simple touch really turns him on. He interprets the delicious feelings as a prelude to more. He then reverts to his 18-year-old self, desperate to get to second base before you change your mind. You pull away, he feels he has struck out and then he pulls away altogether, leaving you both a little hurt and wary. Touch then becomes a loaded issue, and pretty soon you are patting the dog more than each other.

If your sex life is healthy and frequent, the issue is slightly different.
Some men (and women) need to learn how to be comfortable with non-sexual contact. Touch is vulnerable and intimate. A soft, slow embrace with eye contact can be more emotionally intense for him than hot sex.


Relationship advice: The benefits of morning sex

With busy schedules, it's easy for romance to fall to the bottom of your to-do list. Luckily, there's a way it doesn't have to

Q: I’m married with kids, and have a hectic career. By bedtime, I’m too tired for sex; last month, my husband and I didn’t make love once. What can I do?

A: I have two words for you: morning sex. Men love this phrase, while women, well, you probably rolled your eyes on reading that, didn’t you? Fair enough. After all, he wakes up physiologically ready for love–healthy men often have morning erections–but healthy women need more time to warm up. Truthfully, when you open your eyes, is nookie the first thing on your mind? You are more likely to be worrying about things like an upcoming client meeting or figuring out what lunch to pack for your six-year-old. So when hubby makes a sexy move, you wriggle out of his arms and head for the shower.